Ordnance Bomb
Ordnance Corps

Air Defense Artillery

For those who served in Nike Units in Germany, the NATO Tac Eval Team of the Allied Air Forces Central Europe (AAFCE) were a familiar group.  Below is a photo of the Tac Eval Team as they assembled in Ahlhorn for the in-briefing prior to the evaluation of the German 26 Fla Rak.  This photo was taken in the 1975 to 1978 time frame.  Some identies are provided below by Horst Sperl for those in the photograph. 

Photos provided courtesy: Horst Sperl


The picture was made in Ahlhorn, 25 FlaRak GE prior to our evaluation of 26 Fla Rak, again, it was 1975-1978 ??

The Batteries of 25 Fla Rak were

1.in Ahlhorn, 2. in Barnstorf together with staff, 3. Wagenfeld, 4. in Lohne.

  26 FlaRak 1. in Hohenkirchen together with staff, 2. in Rodenkirchen, 3. in Wiesmoor, 4. in Dornum.

Let me come to the picture, first line kneeling.

Bud Plehh, ?, ?, ?, Capt. Van Steenkiste BE,?, Curly is Mj. Joveneau BE from AAFCE. Next to him a BE Log Eval his name Tityca. Then, Cpt Broers NL, nex to him an Adj.from NL his name is Hank Peer a Launcher man. Next to Hank comes a NL IFC EVALUATOR his name is Josh Schurmann von Rouvendaals ( hope I got the name right) last man is a BE Log Eval I do not have his name.

First line standing:

Behind Bud Plehn starting with two Americans, do not have the names. Next ist Capt. Wiegmann GAFTAC Launching Area.?, CWO Rick Treesh?, ?, The man with the folded arms is Fredy Genard a BE Capt.?,?, Then comes me from GAFTAC ?, ?,?,?, Maj. Finke GAFTAC the ATS Evaluator.

Second line standing:

Col Reich GAFTAC is the man who has one arm akimbo.?, CWO Hank Weber ?, ?, ?, Behind Rich Treesh an American I do not have his name. Next to him LTC Pletzing from GAFTAC. ?, The man with the smile upon his face is MasterSergeant Wolfgang Günther from GE FlaRak Btl 21 (located at Echtrop), Then the little man is the BE Log Eval Walter van Eschepoel. ?, The little man with the smile behind me is Capt. Riese GAFTAC Como Eval. CWO Sullivan is the man with the glasses.?, The man with the sun glasses is the NL Launching area Evaluator Nol Klomberg.Between him and Finke that is Second Lt. Luther ATS Eval from GE FlaRak Btl 25 (Located at Barnstorf)

Last standing line:

LTc Braig GAFTAG Log Eval with the dark glasses. ?, ?, CWO Herb Posner behind Pletzing.?, ?, Sergeant Major Klein from Ge Btl.21 Echtrop he checked the T 1., next to him partly covered LTC Nocke GAFTAC, ?, ?,

The last man I know is Maj. Jakober GAFTAC ATS EVALUATOR he is the man behind Klomberg.

There is a short story about Jakober.

Once we were on a TAC EVAL, he was at Groß Sachsenheim. There he set up a fire in a trash an, just o see the fire fighting procedures. But he did that in the Launching area, near an oil reservoire. Well, the crew got an EX in fire fighting and Jakober was grounded 6 month for any TAC EVAL. As you know, you must give all fire producing things, like matches ect. to the guard.

When I was back at GAFTAC I had to see our Commanding General, he wanted to have a clear report about Jakober and his foolish action.

Just for your knowledge, GAFTAC was stationed at Köln Wahn.

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