Ordnance Bomb
Ordnance Corps

Air Defense Artillery

The following was submitted by the listed author. The owner of this web site, Doyle Piland, cannot vouch for the accuracy of this article.

Submitted by: Paul Crawford

(Assigned to Ft. Shafter from June 1969 to June 1970)
This in response to a question concerning Unit Designation and if he knew Bob Winer

It was changed (from 89th Ord Company) to the GMMS just before or just after I arrived in Jun 69-If my memory serves me right. It was at Ft. Shafter, my wife and I lived in a government townhouse overlooking Honolulu and the harbor-It was a rough job but someone had to do it! I don't remember Bob (Winer), was he a msl/launcher technician? I worked in Ground Guidance with Jerry Clodfelter, and CWO Canup was there and SFC Richter but I can't remember anyone else's name. I don't know where SFC Richter is now but if you are out there Ronald, thank you for fixing my '67 GTO when it arrived in port-the rear brakes were non-op because the stevedores must have dropped it which severed the brake line running across the top of the rear differential-if I had not previously installed airbags there would have been more extensive damage. That's too bad because they were all very nice to us when we arrived, we had a super sponsor and everyone helped us get started - The Aloha spirit! One year in paradise.

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