Important Announcement

We would like to thank our loyal fellow members of the Nike Historical Society for your continued support over the years. We will be closing the Society, including the store, as of March 31, 2024. We have acquired a large repository of Nike technical information. The web site will continue to be available. It has been our pleasure to keep the legacy of the Nike missile's contribution of the successful conclusion to the Cold War.

the Board of Directors
Nike Historical Society

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Date: 2006-06-17 00:00:00
Name: James Russell
Remarks: I joined the 194th Ordinance at Ft. chronkite, CA 7/57 as my first assignment. Went with 194th to Ft. Richardson (approx 9/58) to install the first Nikes in Alaska. Joined 15th Ordinance, Loring AFB, ME was there from 9/60 to about 6/64 when I transferred to 30th Ord det Tachchon Ni Korea until 8/65 when I transferred to USAMMCS Redstone Arsenal AL to teach Internal Guidance Repair.
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Date: 2006-06-16 00:00:00
Name: Tim Smith
Remarks: Served at Fort Hancock NJ form January 1972 to September 1973. I was sent to McCully Barracks in Wackernheim Germany until November 1974.
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Date: 2006-06-14 00:00:00
Name: Michael McDonald
Remarks: I served in Team B, 35th USA Arty, Det, APO 09069, near Rodenkirchen, close to Brake, in Germany, from Jan. 1965 to Dec. 1966. I was a cook, a mess sargent, I would like to contact any of my old friends from that time, I live in Mexico in San Blas, Nayarit.
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Date: 2006-06-10 00:00:00
Name: Ken Keuper
Remarks: 44th Ord, 30th Arty. Bde Okinawa 1967-69--------22L20.
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Date: 2006-06-06 00:00:00
Name: Mark J. Nighbor
Remarks: Came across your site by accident. Served in HHQ 3/71 in Ludwigsbug, Germany as a 75E Personnel Actions Spec/75D Records Spec.
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Date: 2006-06-02 00:00:00
Name: Joe Tiegue Sells
Remarks: I'm looking for anyone that was in the Army in Thule, Greenland in July of 1963 to Feb 1964 that was in Btry C 4th Msl Bn 55th Arty APO 23 NY. If you was, I would love to hear from you. Sincerly Joe sells.
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Date: 2006-06-01 00:00:00
Name: Albert (Al) Corum
Remarks: Just found this site and think its great. I was stationed at Idar Oberstein and Baumholder 1959-61 with B Btry 5th Bn, 6th Arty Nike Ajax Fire control. Had some great times in Germny. Before Germany I was at Nike base at Palos Verdes Estates in California.
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Date: 2006-06-01 00:00:00
Name: David Robert Crews
Remarks: I was an Army photographer assigned to the 30th Arty Bge missile unit on Okinawa in 1970-71. They weren't supposed to have a photographer and had set up a photo lab in a nuclear decontamination chamber to an underground bunker called The Mole Hole. Does anyone remember that lab in The Mole Hole? Do you remember having any decontamination chambers on your missile sites? The whole story is on under DR Crews which is accessed on the lower left column, look for The Illegality and Immorality of My Assighnment As An Army Photographer For The 30th Artillery Brigade on Okinawa.... Then email if you like.
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Date: 2006-05-30 00:00:00
Name: Arnold "Lee" Bice
Remarks: As far as the MOS goes Iam pretty sure I was a 250 but i woked in supply. I made frequent trips to Seoul for supplies. When I returned to the States I was supposed to be released but "they" said I had too much time remaining so they sent me to a Radio Controlled Aerial Target (RCAT) Unit at Fort Bliss Texas. They changed my MOS to truck driver and sent me all over White Sands looking for RCATs that were not destroyed in their missile practice. That was in February and I was finally mustered out in May. Truly yours, Lee Bice.
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Date: 2006-05-30 00:00:00
Name: Ken Bundick
Remarks: I was stationed at K6. Camp Humpries Korea from August 1970 to April 1971 with HHB 4/44th. I worked in communications and worked on the hill outside K6 on the coast of the yellow sea.
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Date: 2006-05-25 00:00:00
Name: Kip Kendall
Remarks: Served at site Zelo in Italy with 3/34th USAAD from 3/87 thru 5/88, and at Seneca Army Depot in Romulus, NY from 1985-1988 with 295th MP CO
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Date: 2006-05-19 00:00:00
Name: Bruce A (Buzz) Nelson
Remarks: I was stationed at North Point Kaserne, Kriegsfeld, with 558 MP Co from June 62 to May 65 providing security for 619 Ord Co. My hangouts were Rudys Milano Bar & Regina Gast Haus of Kircheim-bolanden, and Gerbers, Der Guttstub, and the schwimbad in Alzey. I was in 1st squad the entire time I was there. I was the bus driver to K Town for a while as well as rations & supply driver for a while. I was also ncoic & oic driver for many convoys escorting 37th Trans to and from sites. I am back home living in Thief River Falls, Mn, retired off the Soo Line RR as a Conductor/Trainman in 02 and am back driving truck over the road across the entire country as a contract driver. My hobbies are Snowmobiling, volunteering, and Snowmobiling. I am a member of Amvets, American Legion, VFW(Drill Team, Honor guard, Cooties), Eagles (officer and state committes), Asst Trails administrator for two snowmobile clubs, and a Pennington County Sportsmans Club member. Anybody out there from 62 to 65 from 619 558 or any other detetchments?
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Date: 2006-05-19 00:00:00
Name: Roger Bienvenu
Remarks: I served at ft Shafter (89th) from March 64 to Oct 65 and it was called GMMS then for what its worth. Some where I wrote a bit about this, but haven't seen it since then. Did it get lost or is there a lag ? Sure brings back a lot of memories. What is amazing is how niave I was back then ( and uninformed) The security adage was "on a need to know basis" and it worked, as I had no Idea how many sites there were. I really never thought about it but only knew of there being sites in Okinawa, Korea, Alaska, Ft Bliss and Sandia NM. Yet I recall seeing the antennae at various locations stateside(Mainland). Just never thought about it. Not bragging, but I was good at fixing tracking components (radars and van components) but I hated the test console back at the shop. There was a guy, Pask, who was patient, and liked the console. When I got there, there was a guy who was the hot shot site guy, he shipped out, and it became my title for a bit, then I mustered, and someone else got the title - cool huh! Roger
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Date: 2006-05-16 00:00:00
Name: Phil Bauza
Remarks: I was stationed 1st @ B 2/52 on Key Largo H40 from 75-77. Then off to germany and D 3/71st in Pfortzhiem/Wurmberg/Kieslbronn from 77-80, as Sr. Aircraft Tracking Supervisor.... Got out as a E-5 Sgt. and became a bag boy at grocery store!!!! Thanks for all that military training.... Ha Ha just kidding!!
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Date: 2006-05-15 00:00:00
Name: James Nayonis
Remarks: I have been deployed to the Longare area twice and was wondering about the history of the mountains. As usual, rumer control is abundant here so I'd thought I'd research and get info for my kids and subordinate soldiers when they ask about it. I found alot of the information enlightening and useful. thank you. SFC Nayonis 233rd M.P.Co.
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Date: 2006-05-14 00:00:00
Name: Gary Salatnik
Remarks: 162nd Ord Co Sogel, Germany 1968-71
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Date: 2006-05-08 00:00:00
Name: Tom Logelin
Remarks: Am looking for info on former site near St Bonifacius, Minnesota. When site deactivated, we recieved a training missle, which is on display in our city park as a memorial to all those who served at this site. As President of our local Historical Society, I would like to find out more info on this particular site to preserve for future use. Is there a list of those who served at the site? Was friends with many of those one the base, as they often visited and supported out store in St Bonifacius. They delivered the missle to our store in a cold winter blizzard with a duece and 1/2 with a plow. People in town were wandering what I was doing with a missle in my back yard. Today it stands proudly in our city park, and the tip, which I believe was told, was a heat seaking device, sits on my desk. If any info, or know where we could get more info, please advise. Also I was given a medal from one of the folks at the site. It is in the shape of a bullet, red decorations on top, and blue fin like decorations on the side. On the bottom is printed L O L A M Y. What is the name of this medal, and what do the letters stand for? Thanks for any assistance. Tom Logelin 8708 Park Ave St Bonifacius, Minnesota 55375.
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Date: 2006-05-05 00:00:00
Name: Roger Bienvenu
Remarks: If you have/need memories reference Nike sites on Hawaii around 63 to 65, my old mind might have some memories still in place. I worked in 89th Ord as a Nike Track Radar Repairman in support of the sites around the island for a year and a half. We would pick up workorders at the shop each day and along with a 250 helper, head out to a site most days to effect repairs. We had one site on the east side that had a bad sim track problem and when I told my then Sgt that the base was messed up, he said "you want me to tell the Engineers that??" Well within weeks the site was the first one to get a MWO (Modification Work Order) where they sent in a special team to jack the antenna up, lift the base ring, clean out the corrosion, treat the surface, and reseat the base ring. Turns out the sea air was eating up the base metal and distorting the level. I've got more war stories if you are interested? Any chance of getting my name and e-mail on the 89th Ord list in case someone else out there is interested? Roger Bienvenu (SP5) 89th Ord Detachment, USAHAW ( thanks,,, Roger
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Date: 2006-05-05 00:00:00
Name: Howard W. Evans
Remarks: Stationed in Longare, Italy from 05/66 - 06/68 MOS - 35F20 Special Weapons Electronics Calibration Technician Rank - E-5 Spec 5
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Date: 2006-05-04 00:00:00
Name: Phil Bauza
Remarks: I was stationed @ the Key Largo site from 75-77, then off to Pfortzhiem, Germany - D 3/71st ADA from 77-80. I was a 16C10 - good times..... C-ya!!
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Date: 2006-05-03 00:00:00
Name: Fred Breton
Remarks: Nike MOS 225.1 spent all 3 years in school or in units at Ft Bliss. School Grad 9/62 D-4 th- 62 Arty 62/63 Ft Bliss 507 th Arty det 62-64 Ft Bliss F Btry-1 Group 64 (Logan heights-Bliss)
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