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24 entries were found in Jul_Aug_2001.
Date: 2001-08-31 00:00:00
Name: Chris Heale
Remarks: Taught at Ft. Belvoir Va. 60-63. Hoping to visit Ft. Hancock's Nike site. Thanks for all the info brings back fond memories
Webmaster's Note: Chris served at Ft. Belvoir 's department of Mech & Tech - Missle Support Schools (Nike Elevator)
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Date: 2001-08-31 00:00:00
Name: James W. Giles
Remarks: Was stationed at HHQ Battery in Kornwestheim from March 1971 to January 1972. I was the Battery Clerk.
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Date: 2001-08-29 00:00:00
Name: Ed Speed
Remarks: Great site. I was a missle tech trained @ Ft.Bliss in 1956-57 and then xfered to the 605th AAA Btn @ Ft. Banks, Winthrop, Mass., then on to my Btry in Reading Mass. I liked and agreed with some of the entries refering to the good duty. It was the best duty I've heard of in the Army.
Webmaster's Note: Ed indicated he lives in Dallas, TX.
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Date: 2001-08-29 00:00:00
Name: Brian Biggs
Remarks: Just looking to talk to anyone that served at Windsor Hill, Ct. or Coventry RI. site
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Date: 2001-08-16 00:00:00
Name: Larry Lynum
Remarks: Homestead - Great duty. Only military in a shop of civilians. First Sergeant accused me of being AWOL and missed my orders for Germany. Shop civilians backed my presence. Got shipped to Korea instead.
Korea - Present when they "sank the jeep".
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Date: 2001-08-15 00:00:00
Name: David R. Bailey
Remarks: I signed the book back in Nov. 98 I think its time to up date my message, I'm still looking to hear from anyone that was at Fort Tilden Rockaway I.L. N. Y. 1962 to 1965 if there is any one that knows a Bill Burns that was at Tilden at that time I like to here from you. He was from Oakland Cailf., but he got married in New York and I lost contact after I moved to FL. if you any infro I like you to E-mail me thank. I was also at Highlands and Fort Hancock for a real short time before going to Tilden. Thank again God Bless all you guy's that served God & Country.
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Date: 2001-08-13 00:00:00
Name: Richard D Brogdon
Remarks: Servered in Jeffersonville, Ga 4/61, from 1961-1966, Farmington, Mn, in 1966, in Okinawa 1972-73, Ft.Bliss 73-76. ABAR maint, then Firecontrol Wo.
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Date: 2001-08-04 00:00:00
Name: John M Hamilton
Remarks: I served in Post Ordnance at Fort Devens, Mass. Beginning in 1955 with the M33 and M38 Antiaircraft Firecontrol Systems. Moved into Nike Ajax Support in 1963, then into Nike Hercules Support in the Boston Defense area.
I attended various classes at Redstone Arsenal from 1963 until the early 1970's just before the phase-out of the Nike Missile Systems.
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Date: 2001-08-03 00:00:00
Name: Edward M. Bisconti
Remarks: Truly a great site and a significant contribution to Military & Nike Missile History.
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Date: 2001-07-30 00:00:00
Name: William Skinner
Remarks: Hello, I was at B-4-1 in 67-68 and C-4-44 68-69 and D-4-1 1970 and C-4-1 1970. These were all Nike Herc Batteries (Washington-Baltimore Air Defence Command).
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Date: 2001-07-28 00:00:00
Name: Daniel K. Benson
Remarks: I enjoy going down memory lane on your site. I wish I could get in contact with some of the people I serverd with at Ft. Bliss, WSMR in the 4th BN 62nd ADA, Nike Hercules / Patroit Project.
Webmaster's Note:Daniel served at Ft. Bliss, Tx in the 4th Bn 62nd ADA with an MOS of 24Q20 and rank of E-5 from 7/78 to 5/80 and then with the Directory of Training Dev. with MOS of 24Q20 and rank of E-5 from 5/80 to 5/81.
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Date: 2001-07-24 00:00:00
Name: Dominic Dominello
Remarks: I couldn't help but notice that all of the guests in the log are relative youngsters. I served at Fort Bliss, Texas, from 1959 to 1961, in the 200th Ordnance Detachment as a Radar Repairman (MOS 253.1, for almost three (3) years. There were fifty (50) of us then, both Officers and Enlisted Men (EM). I was an EM, and when I left the Army, in 1961, I was an SP5 (E-5). Approximately 90% of the outfit were draftees, and the 10%, including me, were Regular Army (RA). We were one hell of an outfit in those days, and when we weren't at work, or on duty, you could find most of us in good ol WAZOO, drinking dime Cruz Blancas and twenty-five cent Cuba Libres, at the Manhattan Bar. I can still remember the bartender's name, it was Jesus Hasso (Chuey) to us. In those days, we trained a lot of NATO troops; that is, Italians, Germans (West), Turks, French, and Greeks. We also drank a lot of booze with those same troops, when we were off-duty. Anyhow, before I really run off at the mouth, it sure would be great to hear from some of the guys I served with, guys like Alan Desenberger, Tom Page, Woody Wright, and my old cubicle mate, Jim Maseros. . . . . those were the days my friend! . . . . those were the days!!!
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Date: 2001-07-23 00:00:00
Name: Dane Deibler
Remarks: I served at Fort Richardson alaska in the 524th ord company from April of 1970 till March of 1972. I was a machinest MOS of 44E20, there was one lathe there that was it, never used it. Made a lot of trips to A, B, and C batteries with John Feeney, Sam Keifer, and a civilian named Norm Twitty any information on them would be helpful.
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Date: 2001-07-23 00:00:00
Name: Robert Christianson
Remarks: Webmaster's Note:In addition to serving with units supporting Nike Hercules (listed with their unit rosters) Robert served in the following assignments: Fort Carson, Colorado in the Nuclear Weapons Support Section with an MOS of 55G20 and Rank of E-5 from 3/75 to 8/76. --------------------- Picatinny Arsenal, NJ in the Surety Field Activity with an MOS of 911A and Rank of CW2 from 7/81 to 12/83. --------------------- Heidelberg, Germany in the office of USAEUR Inspector General with an MOS of 911A and Rank of CW2/CW3 from 1/84 to 12/87. --------------------- Picatinny Arsenal, NJ as the Project Manager for Nuclear Munitions with an MOS of 911A and Rank of CW3/CW4 from 12/87 to 6/93.
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Date: 2001-07-17 00:00:00
Name: Todd LeMon
Remarks: Webmaster's Note:Todd served in the 162nd Ord. Maint. in Sogel, Germany with an MOS of 55G and rank of Spc from 6/88 to 7/90.
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Date: 2001-07-16 00:00:00
Name: Kenneth C Murray
Remarks: I served with the 4 th Ordnance Company at Miesau Germany Nov 1963 - Nov 1964. Great duty.
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Date: 2001-07-13 00:00:00
Name: Thomas F. Hall, Jr.
Remarks: Webmaster's Note: Thomas served at Homestead AFB, Florida with the U.S. Army Support Group, Air Defense as a Missile Maintenance Officer with a rank of Major from June 1975 to May 1978.
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Date: 2001-07-12 00:00:00
Name: Jim Smith
Remarks: Will be spending a week's vacation in August on Chincoteague Island, VA with my good friend Joseph R. "Jody" Smith and our wives. Jody and I served at Hq Hq Btry (DSP), 5th Missile Bn, 6th Arty in Hoppstadten, West Germany 1969-1971. Jody was in the Battalion Motor Pool and I worked in "Ord 6". We used to pull every detail together because our names were consecutive alphabetically on all the duty roster - CQ, CQ Runner etc. We had some freat times together in Germany and have remained friends for the past thirty years. Planning on some serious fishing, crabbing and beer drinking. Would like to hear from other friends from 5/6 Arty.
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Date: 2001-07-12 00:00:00
Name: David Thomas Shanes
Remarks: Was stationed with the 5th Bn 6th ADA D Btry Hotheim from March 1977-1980, any old Nike guys out there? Drop me a line.
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Date: 2001-07-11 00:00:00
Name: James"Jake the Snake" Jegelewicz
Remarks: I know some of you guys served with me somewhere!
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Date: 2001-07-10 00:00:00
Name: Curtis Bahr
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Date: 2001-07-04 00:00:00
Name: Phillip H. Schearer
EmailAddress: PSchearer (at-sign) Earthlink (dot) Net
Remarks: The Herc was one of many "special weapons" we supported in the 619th Ordnance Co. at North Point Kaserne, Germany. I recently learned North Point was deactivated years ago, lay abandoned for some while, and is now a Bundeswehr site. I was there for the height of the Cold War, arriving in time for the Berlin Wall Crisis, receiving yellow fever shots for the Cuban Missile Crisis, and having my commander-in-chief killed by an ex-Marine Commie, all the time knowing that our kind of site was number 3 in Soviet nuclear targeting priorities. Having enlisted at age 17 and spending two intense years in the middle of the German woods, I consider that North Point is where I grew up.
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Date: 2001-07-01 00:00:00
Name: S A (Rusty) Marks
Remarks: I was staioned at HQ HQ Company 32nd AADCOM (Schweinfurt) missile site just outside of town 1970 - Jennings, Libby, Peterson, Crazy Jeff from S. Carolina (?) - if any of you guys are still out there, contact me. Jennins have you rebuilt any VW's lately?
Webmaster's Note: Rusty was as a Mechanic with a rank of S/P 3.
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Date: 2001-08-15 00:00:00
Name: Ed Sharpe
Remarks: nike sites! where is dave fairchild!??! HIPAR make the radio go beep!
Hi there this is Ed Sharpe, I did not serve at a nike site as I was a kid at the time.... I was a kid that lived across from the radar site at the dead end of crenshaw... I am looking for Dave Fairchild,although his formal job at the site was working on the generators, he was very much interested in electronics. when I was a kid he used to give me the dead magnetrons etc...... also helped me build some projects ... fix up an old o-scope when I was in 6th grade ....there was also a guy by the name of reily that worked on the radar there too... knew him a little but main contact was Fairchild..
I would like to contact some of these folk.
I missed meeting you as I went in the airforce in the end of summer of 1970.
have now retired and now help run an electronics and communications museum...
and yes we are looking for radar stuff for the museum! I still have a nice large tube the guys gave me for my birthday one year...
see a little of the museum at
coury house / smecc
Southwest Museum of Engineering,
Comunications and Computation
5802 w palmaire ave
glendale az 85301
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