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16 entries were found in Jun_Sep_1998.
Date: 1998-09-30 00:00:00
Name: James M. Ramey
Remarks: I was a launcher crewman stationed at site LA-88 Chatsworth, CA 1965-66.
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Date: 1998-09-23 00:00:00
Name: Adrian Errol Porter
Remarks: In 1962-63 I served with the 5/517 in Abilene Texas as a launcher crewman at "B" btry. I remember alot of good times there. After leaving there I went to Airborn school, Ft Bragg NC, then medical school Ft Sam , Texas. then to Vietnam for 18 months as a combat Medic. Mustered out of service Dec. 65.
In 1992 I started a Reunion for the 5/517 in Abilene Texas, and to this date we have located over 280 men that have served there and have lost several. We are still looking for men that are still on our unlocated list and finding one or two ever now and then.
If you who read this are one of these men who served with the 5/517th in Abilene either at "A" or "B" or "HQ" btry's. From 1959 to 1966. Please contact me by email and get on the located list for our news-letter and dates on our reunions. We have had a reunion every year sence 1992 and our next one is June `12,13,14, 1999, in Abilene Texas. Btry "B" is still in-tact and all the buildings are there. Looking to hear from you.
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Date: 1998-09-19 00:00:00
Name: Williard D Parker
Remarks: I was in a few of the Ordnance Direct Support Units (162nd, 166th and the Support unit that went to Florida) but I do not Remember the dates. The date I was in the 166 Ord Co was Jan 68-Oct 69.
Williard D Parker
SFC E-7 Retired
Rainsville AL
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Date: 1998-09-16 00:00:00
Name: James Cornell Johnson
Remarks: Nike 23N Wachernheim, West Germany 1979-80.
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Date: 1998-09-13 00:00:00
Name: Glenn Winningham
Remarks: I am interested in hearing from the guys of the 13th Air Defense Artillary! I serve with this unit at Presidio, SF from 1973 to Sept. 1974. I am always looking for new nike webs.
Thank you!
Webmasters Note: Glen 13th ADA in residio, CA as a SP4 with an MOS of 63C20 from 7/73 to 9/74.
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Date: 1998-09-11 00:00:00
Name: J.T.H. van Tienen
Remarks: Served in the 220 squadron at Schoppingen, Germany, BRD from 11-1979 to 12-1980 with rank of dplsld.
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Date: 1998-08-26 00:00:00
Name: Thomas S. Laskowski
Remarks: I was sent to 3/71st DSP as a Nike Hercules internal guidance repair but wound up doing launcher repair and rebuilds from our 4 original batteries and then 2 from another unit that were swapped for 2 of ours during unit cutbacks. Some of my leaders were SGT Lundy, Gibson, Gilvarry and Scott. I also worked in the production control section with WO Pisanek and SGT Jerry Brown.
My girl used to make cakes for guys at their short timer parties.
Also there was SP5 Williamski whose real name was Williams. My final co was CAPT Hiroshige. I'd like to here from anyone whose was stationed their during the time I was there. 9-68 thru 11-70.
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Date: 1998-08-22 00:00:00
Name: Marcus A. Baty
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Date: 1998-08-21 00:00:00
Name: Gary Nelson
Remarks: Served as a 23n40 from Jun 68 to April 78 with Nike. Spent time in Korea, but mostly at Redstone either in Missile Maintance or instructor. Korea was all of '72, arriving 1 Jan and leaving late November. Went from SP4 to SSG while on duty. Spent six months as civilian worker at the Redstone Support activity working on the Nike during '81 to '82. Joined ALNG and had a 23n40 slot at a MMC in B'ham for a number of years. Currently still in guard as a MSGT serving as a senior msl maint sgt for LCS. I currently work on the THAAD system in the BMC3I area in the Interoperability area. Like to hear from any of the old Nike people who still believe that NIKE was the best AD system to be placed in the active system.
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Date: 1998-08-19 00:00:00
Name: Mads Loekke Rasmussen
Remarks: I am a postgraduate student at the University of Roskilde in Denmark. I am writing my final assertation about the Nike-Hercules missiles in Denmark and in Thule, Greenland. My special interest is to the atomic capability of Nike-Hercules, and im interested in all information concerning the Nike sites in Greenland or in Denmark.
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Date: 1998-08-16 00:00:00
Name: John Edward Moseley
Remarks: Served with:
709th Arty (90mm Gun Bn)1957 - 1960 PARNG.
60th Arty. (Nike Ajax) 1960 - 1962 U.S. Army
166th Arty (Nike Herc) 1963 - 1969 PARNG.
298th Arty (Nike Herc) 1969 - 1970 HARNG.
250th Arty (Nike Herc) 1970 - 1974 CARNG.
2nd Armored Div 58th INF. 2nd ARB Active Duty 1962 - 1963
163ed Armored Cav. NVARNG. 1974
1221st Armoerd Bn. NVARNG. 1996
Round-out to 11th Armored Cav Fort Irwin Cal. OPFOR
39 Yrs. Service Retired CSM JUNE 1996 NVARNG.
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Date: 1998-07-31 00:00:00
Name: Larence W. Croll
Remarks: Looking for technical data and photos on the Nike Hercules missile want to build a model rocket for my boys.
Also interested in ANY history of Nike Ajax / Hercules missile sites that are being compiled.
Webmasters Note: Larence served at Accokeek, Btry B, 3rd of 43rd Swedesboro, New Jersey as an 16C10 (Fire Control Crewman) with rank of E3 from 05/73 to 07/74 and at Btry C, 2nd of 52nd Carol City, Florida as a 16C20 Fire Control Crewman with a rank of E5 form 07/74 to 01/76.
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Date: 1998-06-25 00:00:00
Name: Louis E. Reynolds
Remarks: Thanks for taking the time to put this wonderful history together. I am so happy to find you.
Webmasters Note: Louis served at Accokeek, Brandywine and Waldorf, Maryland at A, B and C Batterys, 19th Arty Group as IFC Crew Chief and Engineer Chief with ranks PFC, SP4, & SP5 from June 1958 to Dec 1962 and in Baumholder, Germany at H.D. Smith Barracks with C Battery, 5th Msl Bn 6Th Arty as Engineer Chief with rank of SP5 from Jan 63 to Dec 65.
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Date: 1998-06-25 00:00:00
Name: Douglas Peter Goulette
Remarks: Served with the 43rd Artillery (NATO) Germany, U.S. Army 1969 - 1972 Ft. Bliss Texas, MOS: 24U20 Nike Hercules Technician.
Webmasters Note: Douglas served at Fort Bliss (1969 - 1970) and Blankenhiem, Germany (1970 - 1972) as a 24U20 with rank of SP5 with the 43rd Artillery.
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Date: 1998-06-08 00:00:00
Name: James L. Ward
Remarks: I would be interested in any expersonnel from the 195th Ordnance Detachment from June 1955 to Aug 1957.
Do you have a searchable data base for any one who may have registered with you. I am interested especially in finding R. Moore 195th Ord Det
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Date: 1998-06-08 00:00:00
Name: Terry Fitzsimmons
Remarks: Served on a Nike Hercules missle site from 1971 to 1974 at LA55 B-4-251 Palos Verdes Ca. I have some 8mm movies I took at White Sands New Mexico during test fire in which the Herc failed safed about 10 seconds into flight. Anyone from that site contact me.
Webmasters Note: Terry served at Los Angeles Ca. Site LA 55 B-4-251 as an Fire Control Operator with a rank of SP-4.