Important Announcement

We would like to thank our loyal fellow members of the Nike Historical Society for your continued support over the years. We will be closing the Society, including the store, as of March 31, 2024. We have acquired a large repository of Nike technical information. The web site will continue to be available. It has been our pleasure to keep the legacy of the Nike missile's contribution of the successful conclusion to the Cold War.

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14 entries were found in Mar_Apr_1999.

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Date: 1999-04-25 00:00:00
Name: Louis A. Phillips
Remarks: I served with the 35th USA Artillery Detachment in Rodenkirchen W. Germany from Sept 1966 thru nov 1968. I was a 22F20 and we were responsible for the nuke warhead. The site was a Luftwaffe site and they owned the missile. Uncle Sam owned the Nuke warhead we had 15 of them and were ready for bear. Thank God we never used them because I would have. Thanks to all of you for your support during my time at Rodenkirchen. Grusse Alles Louis "phil" Phillips Webmaster's Note: Phil served with a rank of SP5. After his tour in Rodenkirched, he went 'back to the "world" and a cilivian.'
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Date: 1999-04-25 00:00:00
Name: [Pete] Allen Sonnier
Remarks: I was stationed in GrossSachsenheim Germany at Bravo Btry. 3rd Missile Battalion, 71st Artillery from 1962 to 1965. Just want to say hello to all my buddies that were there with me.!! Webmaster's Note: Pete served with Bravo Btry. as a 177.1, launcher crewman, with a rank of e-3 from 2/62 to 5/65.
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Date: 1999-04-16 00:00:00
Name: Bill Harris
Remarks: I have a professional interest in the typical operations at Nike facilities in Washington State and the amounts and types of hazardous wastes that may have been generated and disposed of at them. In particular, I'm currently working on a cleanup at Four Lakes Air National Guard Station between Cheney and Spokane, which was previously the home of Nike F-37, 1951-1961. If there any former crew members who served there or elsewhere in our fair state and who might have insights into this subject, please feel free to contact me.
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Date: 1999-04-15 00:00:00
Name: Randolph M.(Randy) Wells CW3 USAR (RET)
Remarks: As an old 22M20 that migrated to HAWK and an old Redstone Arsenal Rat, I would like to find any of my old running buddies from Ft. Bliss and Redstone.
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Date: 1999-04-12 00:00:00
Name: Bob Getman
Remarks: I was an LCT and missle assembly crewman while stationed at the Bay site outside of Fort Richardson, Ak., from '72 to '74. Any C-Battery alumni will be pleased to know that although the battery is gone Dooley's is still open and doing well. Webmaster's Note: Bob was assigned to Anchorage, Ak - attached to Fort Richardson with C-1- 43rd ADA as a 16C LCT operator - Missle Assembly Crewman with a rank of E-5 from 6/72 to 12/74.
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Date: 1999-04-08 00:00:00
Name: William F. Skinner (Bill)
Remarks: I served with Nike Hercules at B-4-1 Davidsonville, Md. approx. 3-67 to 10-68 then in South Korea at C-4-44 approx. 11-68 to 12-69 then back to Washington/Baltimore to D-4-1- in Tolchester Beach,Md. from approx.1-70 until approx. 12-70. I went to Edgewood Arsenal and to C-4-1. I don't have any memory of when I arrived or what my job was or when I arrived there. I was discharged from Walter Reed Hospital in Sept. of 1971. I had a automobile accident on 1-13-71 at Edgewood Arsenal. If you know anything about this please contact me so I can finally put this missing part of my life together. Webmaster's Note: Bill served as a 16C10 Herc IFC Operator/Computer Operator at the above locations.
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Date: 1999-03-18 00:00:00
Name: Jose Fuerte
Remarks: I was with Battery "C" 4th Missle Battalion 60th Arty. from 1959 to 1962, I have searched for anyone that served at the sites at Youngs Lake Wash during those years and keep comming up empty, I am begining to think that no one is left but me. If any one has any information please contact me.
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Date: 1999-03-15 00:00:00
Name: Pete Cox
Remarks: Was pleasantly surprised to find this Nike web site. I see several familiar names here and hope to see many more in the future. Where are all the great people from 193rd Ornance Detachment later 2/1 Wackernheim Germany,1/333 later 2/52 Fort Bliss/McGregor Range and of course the 4th Ordnance Company, Miesau Germany. I spend 8 great years in Miesau with 6 years at the 4th Ord. Where are the names like Cpt Ralph Desalvo (4th Ord CO) 1972-1973, Lt Gulkey, Cpt Marion Slachetka (4th Ord CO)1974-1976, Cpt Mike Hildebrand, 1SGT Carty, 1SGT O Shea, Killingsworth, Woodruff, Schlegel, CWO Tanaka, Salsberg, Clancey and all the others I was stationed with at the 4th. Can someone help me find an old friend from the 193rd Ordnance Detachment days (1965-1966) later 2/1, Wackernheim Germany. His name is Edgar Knopp his rank at the time was SP4 worked in Ord 6 and last known home of record was somewhere in Oregon. Will keep track of this site from now on and hope to read all those names that made those days great.
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Date: 1999-03-14 00:00:00
Name: Michael Chipperini
Remarks: I transferred to NHWSD-K, Camp Humphreys from a small hawk unit (D 1/2 ADA) in Kwa Chon just outside of Seoul. I have never heard from any of the guys I served with there. Would love to though. Does anyone know of a page that is dedicated to either of these units? Editor's Note: Michael served at Camp Humphreys, Korea in Physical Security with the MOS of 95B10 at the rank of SP4 from Nov 77 to Aug 78.
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Date: 1999-03-14 00:00:00
Name: Ronald James Schiszler
Remarks: Served in Korea and Maine, Int Guidance Repair, Ord. 1962-1965.
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Date: 1999-03-12 00:00:00
Name: John Braun
Remarks: I enlisted in the Army from 11/65 -11/68. After a lot of schooling at Ft. Bliss, TX, I graduated as a SP/4, IFC Tech.; MOS 24Q20 with a secondary MOS in the ABAR 69 & 71 Radars. I was assigned to the 1st Msl Bn, 60th Arty, Site C46, Btry C, Munster, Indiana. I helped deactivate C46 in August 68 as ARADCOM got downsized. I ETS'd as an E-5. My E-6 promotion never came through as a result of the downsizing. After a continued career in electronics, I'm presently retired, living in Indianapolis. Lots of wonderful memories of my days at Ft. Munster with ARADCOM. I am now a life member of The Nike Preservation Group, Inc. of which I"m a board member. We are in the process of trying to obtain the Launcher Area property of C47, Btry A, Wheeler, IN, just NW of Valparaiso. Our Group is a not-for-profit Corporation dedicated to the preservation of American Cold War history. Through the work of the NPG, Inc., C47 became a State Historic Site, and we hope to soon be placed on the National Register of Historic places. Because freedom has never been free, we owe it to those who follow us to leave a record of those dark days of the Cold War. Heaven help us if they ever forget.... We are looking for 45th Brigade Nike Veterans of the Chicago-Gary defense and/or any of you that would be interested in joining our Group. Contact: Don Peterson at e-mail
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Date: 1999-03-10 00:00:00
Name: Thomas B. Stephens
Remarks: Many thanks to those who put this together. I served in Germany from Thanksgiving Day 1965 To 14 June, 1967 3rd Missle Bn. 71st Arty headquarters was located at Kornwestheim my unit was at Grossachsenheim. Good times great memories.
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Date: 1999-03-09 00:00:00
Name: Kit M. Jones
Remarks: I found Opie Rainey, Dennis Wintin, Tim Vanderboss and Earl Usry from our old unit A btry/2nd Bn/56 ADA in Hassloch Germany...we served from 73-75..anybody else out two emails are as follows: & Kit Jones Hillsboro, Illinois Webmaster's Note: Kit would like to organize a unit reunion for former members of Alpha Battery, 2nd Battalion, 56th Air Defense Artillery. If you are interested, or know of former members, please email him at the above email addresses.
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Date: 1999-03-08 00:00:00
Name: Kit M. Jones
Remarks: I was station both in Walled Lake , MI and then on to Germany in a town called Hassloch near Nuestadt, south of stuttgart...I would like to know my units site name and etc. Also would like to know if anyone has sent anything in from those...I was in Michigan from 72-73 and in Germany from 73-75.... any info would be nice... Kit Jones Nike Hercules Crewman
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