Important Announcement

We would like to thank our loyal fellow members of the Nike Historical Society for your continued support over the years. We will be closing the Society, including the store, as of March 31, 2024. We have acquired a large repository of Nike technical information. The web site will continue to be available. It has been our pleasure to keep the legacy of the Nike missile's contribution of the successful conclusion to the Cold War.

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Nike Historical Society

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23 entries were found in Nov_Dec_1998.

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Date: 1998-12-30 00:00:00
Name: Robert E. Cothran
Remarks: Served with nike hercules from 1971-1977 with two assignments at the Ordnance Missile Munitions Center and School, Traching radar instructor, and two tour in Korea, 38th brigade, 280th Ordnance Detachment(1973) and Taegue 1975 with a transition team teaching ROK Army soldiers to take over our systems. Webmaster's note: Robert also served served in Korea with the Nike Instructor Team 21st Support Group at Camp Henry in Taegue, Korea as with an MOS of 23N3H and a rank of SSG from 04/75 to 04/76.
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Date: 1998-12-27 00:00:00
Name: Kevin J. Hritz
Remarks: I have visited the site at Swedesboro in South Jersey. I have info on Pittsburgh sites via anecdotes from former personnel if you are interested. KJH
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Date: 1998-12-27 00:00:00
Remarks: I served with the 5th USA Artillery Group, 66th USAAD team A Soest Germany, from 77-79, as a custodial agent 11B10 Nike Hercules system. Would like to hear from anyone from the team. Webmaster's note: Keith served as a member of TEAM A 66th USAAD Soest, Germany with an MOS of 11B10 and rank of E-4 from April 1977 to Dec 1979.
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Date: 1998-12-26 00:00:00
Name: Michael Willey
Remarks: I served with C/3/517 in Union Lake, MI., from Jul '68 to Aug '69 as a 16B (LCT operator). Presently, I am looking for an old site (wished it could be in MI) to house homeless veterans.
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Date: 1998-12-26 00:00:00
Name: Michael Willey
Remarks: I served with C/3/517 in Union Lake, MI., from Jul '68 to Aug '69 as a 16B (LCT operator). Presently, I am looking for an old site (wished it could be in MI) to house homeless veterans. I had many good memories of the people in the Nike family, but only have contact with two others with whom I served at the site. I would like to hear from any one that was on the site while I was there. I need to fill in a few gaps, in my personal fight with PTSD, which was brought on by my tour in NAM before I got to the site. I presently live about two miles from the old site, and it is a shame to see that there is NOTHING left of the launcher area. The IFC area is presently being used as a State of Michigan camp for incouragable youth. Please check out my web page @ Welcome Home to all the veterans. Webmaster's note: Michael served at C/3/517 near Commerce, MI as a LCT (Launcher Control Trailer) operator (16B) with a rank of E-5 from Jul 68 to Aug 69.
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Date: 1998-12-22 00:00:00
Name: Jeffrey M. Lichtman
Remarks: Great to see the whole family! Recent article in Monitoring Times alerted me to the Nike family. Schooled at Redstone Arsenal (6th ETC) 23N20 Nike Herc Radar and Computer Repair). Graduated July 1968 and was sent to the 333rd Art. at Ft. Bliss. After the 333rd was dispanded, went to the 2nd Bat. 52nd Art. at McGregor Missle Range in New Mexico. SSGT Norman B. Bullock of El Paso was my immed. supervisor. Left there in May of 1970. Would be great to hear of any who were at McGregor around this time. Any thoughts to a reunion at Ft. Bliss? I'm up for that! Would be interested in your thoughts. Best Regards Jeff Lichtman (Spec. 5 at discharge)
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Date: 1998-12-21 00:00:00
Name: Robert C. Rivenburgh Sr.
Remarks: I served with SASCOM, 1964-1967 W. Germany 43rd, and 52nd. USA Artillery Det. Thum, Euskirchen, and Buren Germany. MOS 16B20. Would like to find others who served with me. Remember Y1, Y2, and Y4??? Sergent and Greenleaf? ANPDR27J? Mean anything to you? Id'e like to know.... Webmaster's note: Robert served at Thum, Euskirche, and Buren, Germany in "A" Company, 52nd. USA Artillery Det. and, B Team 52nd USA Artillery Det. with MOS 16B20 and ranks of (PFC, E-3) and (SP/4, E-4) departing in Sept. 67. He also served in Euskirchen, Germany with the 43 USA Artillery Det as a 16B20.
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Date: 1998-12-21 00:00:00
Name: Bradley J. Bretzin
Remarks: Just looking thru your site - I had an opportunity to see many of the European sites as many were closed in 1987-1990. Webmaster's note: Bradley served in Worms, Germany (HQ, 5th Signal Command) in DSCOPS-NSNFC3S Networks (OIC) as Communications Systems Engineer with a rank of CPT from Jan/1987 to Jan/1990.
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Date: 1998-12-20 00:00:00
Name: Norman Kim Shanahan, LTC, Retired
Remarks: I was the original CO of the 162nd Ordnance Det.(GMDS) which was organized at Redstone Arsenal in early 1957. We deployed to Germany in September 1957.
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Date: 1998-12-19 00:00:00
Name: Doug Crossman
Remarks: If anyone staioned at B Battery 4th Bat 65th Arty Malibu , CA stops at this site drop me a line. We can trade stories and maybe catch up on some old friends. Webmaster's note: Doug served with "B" Battery, 4th Battalion, 65th Artillay located in Malibu, California as a 16B10 with the rank of SP5 from 12/30/68 thru 03/14/72.
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Date: 1998-12-11 00:00:00
Name: Rick Hudson
Remarks: Who would have thought a Nike web page. Good memories. Thanks. Webmaster's note: Rick served in Pirmasens, Germany with C Btry, 2nd Battalion, 56th ADA as a 16C with the Rank of Sp/4 from 5/69 to 2/71.
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Date: 1998-12-11 00:00:00
Name: Raymond Melikian
Remarks: Webmaster's note: Raymond served with Delta team 66th. in Westkirchen Germany with an MOS of 24U as a Sgt. from 2/83 to 3/86.
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Date: 1998-12-09 00:00:00
Name: Max Franklin
Remarks: Great times helping win the Cold War. Tower rat duty was great! 24hrs. on 24hrs off. Webmaster's note: Max served in D btry 3/71 ADA located at Pforzhiem, West Germany as a 95B Military Police as an E-4 from March 1978 to July 1979.
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Date: 1998-12-08 00:00:00
Name: Roger B. Price
Remarks: Stationed at Utica, Michigan from April '54 to Oct.'55. Battery B 516 AAA. Would like to hear from anyone else stationed there. Had some great times while there. Webmaster's Note: Roger served with Battery B 516 AAA Missile Btn. located in Utica, Michigan and around Ecorse, Michigan as a Missile Radar Operator with a rank of Sp3 from 15 October 1953 to 14 October 1955.
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Date: 1998-12-07 00:00:00
Name: Timothy H. Smith (aka BYRNE)
Remarks: Was 24u in Korea F 2/44 Met Rick Sartin And some ssg Easter from dsp. Then in Tx HHB 2/52 saw sartin again!!!! and other DSP support people. Korea was 75-76, TX was 76-78. Then got a hitch to Germany A 2/56. and damned if I didn't run into Sartin again. Since I've been out of the Army, I haven't run into him. Miss alot of the ole buddies!!! Hope thru the Nike Web pages we hook up again!!! Those were some good days, a few bad but mostly real good. Wouldn't do it again, but wouldn't trade it for shit!!! Great to see the Nike people are still taking care of each other!!!!
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Date: 1998-11-30 00:00:00
Name: Steven A. Wagner
Remarks: SP5 Wagner. 23N20 & 24U20. This stuff is great. I attended AIT @ RSA from Sep 68 thru Aug 69. Upon graduation I became an instructor at USAMMCS, Nike Division, TRACK RADAR branch. Then later in early 1971 I transferred to the "Baby RADAR" branch to teach basic electronics. Currently I'm still involved with the Army. I still serve in the USAR as a LTC in the Air Defense Branh and Acquisition Corps. Webmaster's Note: Steven also served in the 2/52 ADA at Fort Bliss as a 24U with a rank of SP5 from Oct 76 to Feb 77. In addtition he served in Germany with the 35th USAAD, Team D as a 14C - Security Officer with a rank of 2LT-1LT from Jul 79 to Feb 81 then in the 35th USAAD, Team C as a 14C Team Commander with rank of 1LT-CPT from Feb 81 to Jul 82.
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Date: 1998-11-19 00:00:00
Name: Arthur Rieders
Remarks: Nike Ajax, 1956-58, E-3 Radar Op, 441 Msl Bn, Berekely, CA. Also Castro Valley, CA.
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Date: 1998-11-19 00:00:00
Name: William M. Ralston
Remarks: HHB 94th ADA, Kleber Kaserne 77-80.
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Date: 1998-11-18 00:00:00
Name: Harrison M. Sandrock
Remarks: Worked on the Nike Hercules while assigned to the 538th Ordnance Co Ft Richardson AK 1964 to 1967 and then from 1967 until 1972 at the Nuclear Weapons Support Branch, Ft Meade, MD. Seeing this page brings back lots of wonderful memories.
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Date: 1998-11-15 00:00:00
Name: Bob Topor
Remarks: I served at White Sands SMSA, Headquarters Co. in 59 to 61. Any white sands dude here?
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Date: 1998-11-10 00:00:00
Name: Dwayne Morton
Remarks: Webmaster's Note: Dwayne served in 96th Ord Co in Germany (see Germany Rooster) as Storage & Issue, Security, & Maintenance & Assembly Plt Ldr; Operations Officer (91D) and at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, in the Directorate of Combat Developments as Combat Developments Officer (Nuclear Wwpns concepts, doctrine & material systems) (91D) with a rank of CPT from 9/89 through 7/91.
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Date: 1998-11-05 00:00:00
Name: William MacArthur Arrants
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Date: 1998-11-01 00:00:00
Name: Jerry D. Martin
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