Important Announcement

We would like to thank our loyal fellow members of the Nike Historical Society for your continued support over the years. We will be closing the Society, including the store, as of March 31, 2024. We have acquired a large repository of Nike technical information. The web site will continue to be available. It has been our pleasure to keep the legacy of the Nike missile's contribution of the successful conclusion to the Cold War.

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Nike Historical Society

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21 entries were found in Nov_Dec_2000.

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Date: 2000-12-29 00:00:00
Name: Donald B Slusher Jr
Remarks: I was stationed in Wackernheim from October 1974 until June 1976. I was assigned to HHB 2/1. I left the service as a Spec/5. I worked at the DSP in Tech Supply at first, then moved over to Production Control. It was a very memorable time, and I'm sorry to see that the base in Wackernheim has been torn down.
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Date: 2000-12-27 00:00:00
Name: David G. Sears
Remarks: Great site. I trained at RSA as a Nike test equipment repair 22L20 from Jan. 69 to Sept. 69 Was assigned to DSP 5th Battalion 1st ADA in Germany from Oct. 69 to Nov. 71. We were the DSP that got to live on the Air base in Wiesbaden but worked in Wackerheim just below A battery. I ran console 5 in shop 2 for a few months then moved on to console 6 in shop 3. That darn card reader still gives me nightmares.
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Date: 2000-12-27 00:00:00
Name: Carl John Berra
Remarks: 2nd battalon 44th ADA. K6 Camp Humphrey 23U20 Nike High Power Acquisition Radar & T1 Simulator. Specialist grade SP5. Served in Korea 1968.
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Date: 2000-12-23 00:00:00
Name: Tony King
Remarks: Served with New England Defense and Thule AFB Group April 65 til November 67, assigned as personnel management specialist. Webmaster's Note:Tony served at Thule AFB, Greenland in the 21st AD Group with an MOS of 71H and rank of E5 from Apr 65 to Aug 65 and the at Rehoboth, Mass in HHB 3/5 AD Arty with an MOS of 71H and rank of E6 from Aug 65 to Nov 67.
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Date: 2000-12-23 00:00:00
Name: C. Gene Leister
Remarks: I served as a Generator man in B-2/56 from 7-77 to 11-78 in Landau. some of the greatest memories of my life are from that time period. Like to here from g-men,tower rats or bunker rats who served with me. I miss the kinsmenship. This is a great site! Where are all the the Diesel Dogs? Sign In! Doug, Tim, Curt, Woody, Nick, Springer is your leg still jumping when you sleep? Long Live The Ruck Zuck!
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Date: 2000-12-23 00:00:00
Name: James M. Roellig
Remarks: I was assigned to HHB at Kornwestheim (Wilkins Barracks) from 1983 - 1985 (the end), only after this deactivation nothing went into storage, everything is gone, nothing was kept. That assignment was the best of my 14 years of active duty and nothing else ever came close. When I first arrived to the 3/71 I worked in the motor pool as a mechanic and made weekly trips out to B Battery (Grossachsenheim) for maintenance on equipment (and also visited a very popular swimming lake near by, Horheim Lake, I believe) , I was also there years later when the barracks B Battery (Grossachsenheim) were turned into storage of furniture for army housing. Bn commander at the time of my arrival was LTC Epworth the "DRAGON" he always talked about how he started in the army as a PVT and worked his way up to a LTC....... CSM Michael J. Streeter the the SM at the end, he had spent most of his career in the 3/71. Webmaster's Note:James served in Germany with HHB 3rd Battalion 71st Air Defense Artillery at Kornwestheim (Wilkins Barracks) from 1983 - 1985 (the end), working in the Motor Pool with an MOS of 62B, but worked as TAMMS Clerk with rank of SP4 from 4/83 to 7/85.
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Date: 2000-12-19 00:00:00
Name: Dennis Dyer
Remarks: Old memories coming back from the years 1972 and 1973, Worked in S-3 in HQs 2/56 ADA in Pirmasens, Germany. Anyone out there during this time?? Webmaster's Note:Dennis served in Pirmasens, Germany with 2nd battalion 56th ADA as S-3 clerk with rank of SP/4 from May 1972 to August 1973.
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Date: 2000-12-17 00:00:00
Name: Jose O. Valdez
Remarks: I was assigned to Hq, 42d USAAD in Barnstorf, FRG, from July 1979 thru July 1981 as the Crypto NCO (E5) and part of the EMAS/SANRAS teams serving our two launch sites, A and B teams. Even though I was a 'SIGNAL' person, I participated in countless simulated launches and spent many nights with our security teams and Signal Site people keeping our unit one of best in Europe. Webmaster's Note:Jose served with HQ 42d USAAD, Barnstorf, FRG as Crypto NCO with an MOS of 72G20 and rank of Sgt/E5 from 7/79 to 7/81.
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Date: 2000-12-11 00:00:00
Remarks: 30th ord det from 1957-1958 in cleveland ,ohio.
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Date: 2000-12-09 00:00:00
Name: Steven H. Whitmire
Remarks: I was in Italy, the 69th Ord. Co. from Dec. 71 thru Oct. 73. Let me hear from you. I'm am also Looking for Bill O'Connell who was from Elderle.
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Date: 2000-12-01 00:00:00
Name: Billy Ray Sheriff
Remarks: Served with the best nike-herc crew one can imagine. It was D-battery, 4th. bn., 65th. arty., Van Nuys, Ca. from 12/66 until 11/67 as a 16-b-20. Had great times there being a country boy in a big city. made some good friends, especially Jack Jones from Bakersfield, Ca., and Chuck Janes from mass. Would like to hear from anyone from this great nike-herc site.
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Date: 2000-11-30 00:00:00
Name: John C. Bradley
Remarks: Served in Michigan National Guard 1972 to 1974 at a Nike missile site in Utica, Michigan as a "week end warrior." I was on the roster as a SP4 Battery Acquisition Radar Mechanic, but the reality was I pulled guard duty and mowed the lawn. The site closed down in June or July of 1974 and that carefully tended lawn was two feet high within a couple of years. Webmaster's Note:John served in Utica, Michigan as a Battery Acquisition Radar Mechanic (in name only) with rank of SP4 from ?/1972 to 6/74.
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Date: 2000-11-29 00:00:00
Name: Dave Graham
Remarks: Nice site will be back. Webmaster's Note:Dave served in the pittsburgh area with the rank of SP/4 during 1962 and 1963 and in Okinawa at the Futema Marine Airwing base (site 5, A/1/65 ??) with rank of SP/4 in 1964 and 1965.
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Date: 2000-11-28 00:00:00
Remarks: 833RD CAMP AMES 73-74
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Date: 2000-11-26 00:00:00
Name: Frank Allen
Remarks: 3rd of the 6th in Lincoln Mass 4th of the 6th in Germany 10/65 - 11/66
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Date: 2000-11-17 00:00:00
Name: Rick Christopherson
Remarks: Had some good times/bad times on site - but had some great times with German people living in the community nearby. Love to see them again - and say hi to those buds I had back then....Larry Wolfe, Jim Peek, and many more Webmaster's Note:Rick served at GrossSachsenheim, West Germany in the 3rd Battalian, 71st ADA, Bravo Battery as a 16B10 - launcher crewman and rank of E-4 form 12/74 to 12/76.
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Date: 2000-11-15 00:00:00
Name: Robert Messina
Remarks: I served with the 52nd artillery brigade in Highlands,N.J. from dec 1969-june 1970. I was brigade draftsman -spec4
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Date: 2000-11-15 00:00:00
Name: Dave Port
Remarks: I found this site from the SF-88 webpage. I have become somewhat infatuated with this missile, due to its unusual arrangement of fins. I hope to build a 1/4 scale flying model of it soon.
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Date: 2000-11-14 00:00:00
Name: Steven C. DeMora
Remarks: Looking for former Tower Rats who were stationed with B 2/56 ADA Landau, Germany from June of 80 til Oct 81. Webmaster's Note:Steven served at Germisheim/Landau, Germany with B battery 2nd Battalion 56th ADA with an MOS of 95B10 and rank of E-4 from June 80 to Oct 81.
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Date: 2000-11-12 00:00:00
Name: Don Bender
Remarks: Looking for anyone who served at the KILMER CFMS. The big shop is still there today. Anyone "out there" with old photos, guides, directories, or just old stories from the facility? Please contact me as I'm trying to better document the history of the facility. Thank you! Don Bender. Nike Missiles & Missile Sites The New Jersey Nike Survey
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Date: 2000-11-01 00:00:00
Name: Loren R. Frey
Remarks: I was one of 15 of a advanced party to set up Battery "A" 54th Missile Btn at Jacksonville, Maryland (Sweetwater-Phoenix) in June of 1956. We were a 155AA btry at the Army Chemical Center. I spent 2 years before transferring to Hq 54th as a S2 driver. After My discharge in 1958 I joined the Maryland National Guard in 1963 and worked at the same place which was converted to a Nike-Herc base. Webmaster's Note:Loren served at Battery A 54th Missle Btn Jacksonville, Maryland in the IFC area with an MOS of 227.10 and rank of PFC from June 1956 to June 1958.
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